Monday, November 10, 2008


A final buffing with some 0000 steel wool and a final coat of Tru-oil. Then rub it out with a terry cloth.

I put in the label that lists all the wonderful folks that are a part of this gift to Pav then put the strings back on....

I guess I missed blogging about doing the setup. A few days ago I strung it up and fit the nut and saddle to get the action right.

So here's a bunch of pics of the finished uke. I'll be delivering it to Stew tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Strung out

Over the past few days the uke got a couple more coats of finish and buffed out... now its got a nice shine.

So I put strings on the uke last night. Played a few chords, made some noise, realized I don't know how to play the ukulele. Different fingerings than guitar and bass but i figured a few things out. I have some adjustments to do but we're getting close.