Thursday, October 2, 2008

More Toes

Now that everything is cut out it's time to make some holes for it.

Here's the router base attachment for the Dremel. It has fine adjustment to get just the right depth, as you can see the cutter bit is easily visible and it has a spot to attach an air hose that blows the dust out of the way.

Next I put all the pieces in... well I trial and error fit each foot and toe. In the process I lost a big toe and had to cut another one. Turned out the first try at it was too small for a big toe and fit one of the other spots better so I cut out another one. That makes a total of 13 toes I've cut out and only need 8.

After the pieces are in their holes I pack some ebony sanding dust around them and drip some super glue on. It makes kind of a goobered mess.

Tomorrow I'll sand it and see how it came out.

1 comment:

Roger said...

I like the angled line of the dots better than on the first fretboard.