Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A second chance of gettin' n'laid

Tonight I started round 2 of working on the inlay. I liked the "Hang 8" feet from before so I'm having a go at it again. And after giving Stew and Dana a peek at options for the inlay they liked the gold pearl.... which I liked too and it's what I used before. I think it works best with the koa.

So here's what we're working with... superglue, gold pearl, ebony fretboard and a print out of the feet.

My brother is really the inlay guy so I borrowed the tools. Including the jewelers saw and this board with a small air pump to blow the dust out of the way.... seems like it just blows it in my face so I was wearing a mask while working on this part.

First I glued the print out to the gold pearl then cut out the feet and toes by hand. The toes are pretty small and I lost a few so I think I cut out 11 to get 8.

Here are the cut out pieces sitting in place and the first try on the right.

The next step will be to use the dremel to route out the place for the pearl on the fretboard. To mark where to route I put the pieces in place and grabbed a can of spray paint. Holding it a ways away so as not to lose more toes I sprayed and it left a nice outline of where to work.

Tomorrow more power tools.

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