Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More routing and bending

A little bit of progress.... not many photos....

For the binding on the front I remembered to take a photo of the bent binding. I've decided that ebony is a pain to bend. Slow and careful is the key. And on another note, ebony does not float. When soaking it to bend I noticed it sunk to the bottom of my pool.

Here you see the bent binding as well as the body it will go onto.

Then all taped into place.

I also got to work on the headstock which will be bound to match the body. More routing and bending.

Here you see the binding in place, with some overflow filler when I had a little gap. That will get sanded off during the cleanup process. I've also started on the inlay of my logo....

And here's the logo in place... still some clean up to happen.

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