Thursday, September 4, 2008

A ledge to jump from

I decided to go with ebony binding... since I had some laying around. The first step is to route the ledge this will sit on around he body. I've got a cool tool that goes on the dremel that is adjustable for different sizes of binding.

And we end up with....

I then used the dremel with a router base to route a space to put in an end graft of ebony at the tail. Here it's glued in place and ready to be trimmed up. (A better order of work would have been to do this before routing the binding ledge.)

Here's the neck, I've started laying out some ideas for the headstock shape and found a maple headstock logo I had cut out a while back. The fretboard is just set in place, it is ebony and will be bound with ebony too which will hide the ends of the frets. The headstock will be ebony bound as well.

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