Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'll cut you pretty boy....

Tonight we started off getting both sides to fit into the mold. All it took was trimming the ends to match up. I started out being a little freakish about getting it perfect, then I remembered we have a strip to put in to make it all look pretty. I was able to then relax and it still came out pretty good. Here they are sitting loose in the mold.

Then I decided I haven't worked on the neck in a few days so we've gotta ind something to do with that so I glued on the headstock veneer. this is a piece of koa to match the body.

Next we cut the front and back to rough shape. A little overhang is left to be trimmed after it's attached to the sides. Also I cut the sound hole.

Finally, a little gluing. There's a plate of spruce that is on the inside behind where the bridge will be for added strength. Below I'm using a scrap of wood to make sure there's consistent pressure across the 2x120x30mm piece of spruce.

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