Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Office Supplies

Today the assistant helped me lay out the bracing for the front. Here you can see we got started with the sound hole braces.

Tonight I made a template of the profile for the sides, traced it onto the bent sides and cut them to profile. Next the sides were fit into the mold and held in place by the clamped in neck and tail blocks. I also added in a caul to hold the waist bends in place.

Tomorrow the neck and tail blocks will be fitted and glued in place.

I also glued in the top kerfing, which is a lining that will provide surface for attaching the front of the ukulele to the sides. I found some custom clamps for this purpose back when I started making guitars, they are found at Staples or Office Depot... they are binder clips which are just big enough and provide enough pressure to hold the kerfing in place.

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