Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let's have a look inside

The assistant's came back yesterday so I had some work for them to do today. last night I got the profile of the sides trimmed up to level so it was ready to get the kerfing. The kids had a great time with the binder clips.

A few hours later the glue was dry and I trimmed up and shaped the bracing on the back so it's ready to make a box.

Before closing it all up I had to put my name inside.

And into the go-bar-deck.

While that was drying I started up with some more work on the neck. First I tapered the fretboard.

When I got that done I realized I have some descisions to make like, do I want to bind the body, do I want to bind the fretboard? What about inlay? So I pulled out my box of miscellaneous scraps and guitar parts so now I'm pondering a few things.. maple binding or rosewood? Rosewood , maple or abalone inlay?

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