Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Neck and plates

So after the assistant went to bed last night I was able to get some work done.... actually the cutting and gluing of the scarf was done then too. I also got the front and back of the uke ready to be joined together so today things would be ready to glue up.

I got home from work today and asked Ethan to come out to the garage, he responded, "do we get to work on the banjo... I mean ukulele?" I said, "we have work to do."

The scarf joint was plenty dry so we were ready to add the wings to make the headstock a little wider.

Ethan operated the clamps.

Then we glued up the plates that I had joined the edges last night to mate up perfectly. Ethan held while I spread glue, then he tightened up the clamps.

Here's everything drying.

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