Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Uke for Pavi

So there's a guy named Pawel Litwinski... we're gonna call him Pavi because it's a whole lot easier. Apparently he picked up a ukulele this summer and started to play, he tries to sing but it's not really something you'd want to listen to, but still he tries. Well, Pavi has some pretty cool friends that decided to get him his own ukulele for his birthday, maybe they figured it would keep him from singing.

That's where I joined the story. One of Pavi's friends is my friend Stew. Stew called me and said, "Are you still making guitars? Would you be interested in making a ukulele?" To that I responded, "I've never made one of those, but I'm willing to learn."

With that Stew and I set out to find some plans and a bunch of wood to make a uke. This will be the story of how it all comes together.

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